Niveaustufen - Course levels

We offer courses at different levels, which are led by passionate members of our association as well as international dance teachers.

The courses on offer build on each other and are divided into the following levels. We recommend repeating the course of one level several times - e.g. to consolidate figures or to get to know the other dance role. For an individual assessment, please speak to us during free dancing or send us an e-mail.

The Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs Stufe 3 is the most demanding course we offer in Leipzig.

We will publish some more detailed prerequisites for each level shortly.

From 23.09.2024 we have a new designation of the course levels. The old name is in brackets.

  1. Anfängerkurs - never danced Forró before
  2. Aufbaukurs - Participation in at least one Anfängerkurs
  3. Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs Stufe 1 (formerly Intermediate I) - Participation in at least one Aufbaukurs
  4. Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs Stufe 2 (formerly Intermediate II) - Participation in at least one - we recommend two or three Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs Stufe 1
  5. Fortgeschrittenen-Kurs Stufe 3 -